Top 3 Casts of the Week #3

Top 3 Casts of the Week #3

It's that time of the week again where we give our love to our top 3 Casts of the week on CodeCast! This week, we have some great videos in store for you, so let's get right into it.

Tailwind Essentials: Typography by @shahzaibkamal


This is one of the videos in his Tailwind Essentials Series, dealing with spacing, sizing and typography. While the entire series is absolutely worth the watch, this one is a great one to watch alone if you're looking for some specific information on working with typography in Tailwind CSS.

Introduction to Fetch API by @kauress

Fetch Cover

This video goes over the first part of working with the fetch API, and is a prefect prerequisite to prepare yourself for Jannat's upcoming content on working with different API's!

JavaScript's every() Method by @kauress

Every Cover

This video goes into using the built in .every() method in JavaScript. Jannat has a series of videos on different built in methods in JavaScript, and they are all well worth checking out.

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